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Hot-stone Massage

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Hot-stone Massage

Hot-stone massage uses Basalt stones. Basalt is a volcanic rock and is formed by intense heat. Under the influence of water, sand and wind, these stones have become soft and smooth in the course of many centuries. Their density and high iron content ensures they retain heat well and gradually disperse it to the body. The temperature of the stones used in Hot-stone massage is between 40 and 45 degrees Celsius.

We start by placing warm stones on your body to get you used to the luxurious heat. Then you are massaged with the warm, smooth stones. They stones are not just a heat source but also a massage tool in the hands of the masseur.

Hot-stone massage gives you deep relaxation and has a healing effect. It can especially help you to stand on your own two feet more sturdily; to feel grounded. Hot-stone massage is very well suited for people who have stressful lives and who live predominantly inside their own heads. But if you just want to relax in heat, this massage is warmly recommended!

I do not give Hot-stone massages during the months of June, July and August.

Gesloten van 1 december 2009 t/m 31 januari 2010 wegens studiereis naar zuid oost AziëMedical massage treatments are often reimbursed in whole or part by additional medical insurance cover. Click here: List 2014