Medical Massage

Thai Yoga Massage

Relaxation Massage

Four Handed Massage

Massage Workshop

Sport Massage

Hot-stone Massage

Herbal Massage

Rhythmic Massage

Massage Oil & Gift Certificates

Massage Workshop

Would you like to learn how to give a friend or your partner such a fine relaxation massage? A 3 hour duo-course is a wonderfully easy start to getting to know the basic principles of classical massage. You practice massage techniques with one an other, supervised by qualified masseur Jeroen van de Ven. The atmosphere at these classes is relaxed and you learn in the space of an evening how to give one another a complete body massage which lasts about one hour.

The course costs € 250 for two people. The price includes the use of clean sheets, towels, massage oil, tea or coffee and a clearly written course booklet. Send an email to and request the available dates for a Massage Work- Shop.




Learn to give Thai Yoga Massage
Jeroen van de Ven regularly gives courses in Thai Yoga Massage in Amsterdam.

For more information:



Gesloten van 1 december 2009 t/m 31 januari 2010 wegens studiereis naar zuid oost AziëMedical massage treatments are often reimbursed in whole or part by additional medical insurance cover. Click here: List 2014