Medical Massage

Thai Yoga Massage

Relaxation Massage

Four Handed Massage

Massage Workshop

Sport Massage

Hot-stone Massage

Herbal Massage

Rhythmic Massage

Massage Oil & Gift Certificates

Relaxation Massage

This kind of massage applies the finest and most beautiful techniques from the rich massage traditions of India, Thailand, Hawaii, China, Sweden and Turkey; used intuitively on your body and to relax it and your mind as deeply as possible.

This kind of massage makes use of long, inter-connected strokes alternating with slow stretches and light to more intense kneading of the muscles, effective pressure point massage and wave-like and rocking movements of all body parts.

This massage requires calm, playfulness, flowing movements and relies primarily on the quality of touch.

During relaxation massages, you lie naked on a comfortable massage table and thanks to towels and sheets you retain throughout the entire experience a sense of feeling safe, warm and being well looked after. Your entire body is massaged, from top to toe. The massage involves the use of warm biological massage oil which if you prefer can have a few drops of aromatic oil added to it.

Gesloten van 1 december 2009 t/m 31 januari 2010 wegens studiereis naar zuid oost AziëMedical massage treatments are often reimbursed in whole or part by additional medical insurance cover. Click here: List 2014